Tag Archives: OHP

Do you even lift? Well, a little bit

Now that we have a couple of months of BJJ under our belts, the Fortnight of Kish and the holiday season out of the way, my wife and I are aiming to add strength training back into our routines.

Jean Luc doesn't care that you broke your foot, or are tired, or whatever.

Jean Luc doesn’t care that you broke your foot, or are tired, or whatever.

A quick back story to set up our current program and goals. We had started basic barbell training earlier in 2012 as a way to get in better shape. I had fracture my foot while running, and had a slight panic about how this incident could be the one that spirals me into becoming middle-aged and obese. My theory is that no one intends to be 40 with a BMI to match, they do so gradually, usually born from a small, legitimate reason… like, “dang, broken foot, guess I can’t workout for a few months”. The next stage is the wholly illogical “I’d start exercising more but I’m too tired and out of shape” excuse, and then mix in the escalating child and career responsibilities and BAM, you’re 40 and get winded going up the stairs.

So, I told myself that wasn’t going to happen, did some research into what being “fit” actually means.

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The Patient Grappler

A blog about submission grappling

The Efficient Grappler

Experiments in improved ways to throw, armbar and choke people

The Universal Chan

Striving to be the pinnacle of achievement in the field of excellence


Enhancing Performance in Sport & in Life

Sam Harris: Author, neuroscientist, philosopher.

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

gypsy girl in gi

Aussie in France - life updates and musings about brazilian jiu jitsu

Aventures in Ju Jitsu

Just another WordPress.com site

Jon Jitsu

Blatherings of a Jiu Jitsu Addict

A Skirt on the Mat

One Gal's take on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and everything in it

Tap or Die

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Jonathan Willis on Hockey - Main

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Mountains to Mats

The Modern Art of Muay Ski-Jitsu...

Marshal D. Carper's Blog

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Black Dog Hates Skunks

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.



Live Hard

Because you only get one go at it.

70's Big

Lifting weights, large muscles, short shorts, mustaches, tank tops, flannel and beards.



Boys on the Bus

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Lex Fridman

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Josh Vogel Art

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Jeff Shaw's MATC blog

One grain of sand on the Internet's beach, but star-shaped Ishigaki sand

DSTRYRsg: Destroyer Submission Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Aesopian BJJ

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Dirty White Belt: A BJJ Blog

Adventures in Tapping

BJJ For Women

Women's BJJ Blog: Interviews, Jiu- Jitsu Events and All Things Fenom

The BJJ Caveman

A blog dedicated to BJJ and the paleo lifestyle

Working Class Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Blog

Scramble Brand

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Meerkatsu's Blog

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Photos and News - BJJPix

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.


A bjj blog

Jiu-Jiu's BJJ Blog

A language teacher's take on jiu jitsu

Grappling and BJJ tips by Liam The Part-Time Grappler Wandi

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.


The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

slideyfoot.com | bjj resources

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Jiu Jitsu Thoughts

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Gracie Barra Riverside

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

BJJ News

We Search The Web For Jiu Jitsu

dig deep brazilian jiu jitsu

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.


The movement dedicated to movement