Tag Archives: Life


I’m honestly pretty impressed with people who are able to write/blog regularly while leading a “normal” life (i.e. they don’t write for a living). I’ve had the best of intentions but free time tends to get allocated pretty quickly.  Regardless, I’ve mentioned that writing about stuff is nice because it provides some perspective, and that’s something that everyone could use a little more of, especially me. I think that committing a thought to paper (pixels?) and knowing that it’s out there in the world for people to read makes you look at the position of perspective you’re holding a little differently, like a little dose of self-therapy.

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PFD & ship building

Waaaaay back at the end of April we had our semi-annual (but a first for us) grading and seminar. The Master of the BJJ lineage we train under, Mater Sylvio Behring, comes to town a couple times a year, and at those times he oversees the grading for stripes and the belt demonstrations as well as puts on a few seminars. This was a weekend of firsts for us; we were “testing” for a stripe on our white belts as well as attending his seminar the next day. Continue reading

Uphill both ways, waist deep snow


Day of my first BJJ class and it snows all day.

I’m going to go because a) it’d be easy not to and b) maybe others won’t come and I’ll more individual instruction.

I’ll make sure to tell my kids of the hardships I endured when I started.

Research into starting BJJ

I won’t write too much here, I just want to collect the various pieces of info I’ve found helpful in researching BJJ.

Specifically, this is a collection of information aimed at starting BJJ that I found useful. I did a post-grad degree and my current job requires a lot of research so when I’m interesting in something on a personal level, my instinctive response is to unleash my finely honed (not really) google-fu skills upon it. I’ll write something later about resources that I’ve found helpful as a beginner… you know, once I’ve actually begun training. Continue reading


Good question… what am I doing, and why?

I could point to a number of points in time. Incidents that could be followed up by “… and that’s why I started working out, took up BJJ and otherwise got my shit together.” Continue reading

The Fog

I’m starting this as more of a journal than anything else. I have delusions of having this grow to be the “go-to blog about blahblahblah” that people of the internets rave about, but that’s likely to remain a delusion at best. Continue reading

The Patient Grappler

A blog about submission grappling

The Efficient Grappler

Experiments in improved ways to throw, armbar and choke people

The Universal Chan

Striving to be the pinnacle of achievement in the field of excellence


Enhancing Performance in Sport & in Life

Sam Harris: Author, neuroscientist, philosopher.

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

gypsy girl in gi

Aussie in France - life updates and musings about brazilian jiu jitsu

Aventures in Ju Jitsu

Just another WordPress.com site

Jon Jitsu

Blatherings of a Jiu Jitsu Addict

A Skirt on the Mat

One Gal's take on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and everything in it

Tap or Die

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Jonathan Willis on Hockey - Main

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Mountains to Mats

The Modern Art of Muay Ski-Jitsu...

Marshal D. Carper's Blog

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Black Dog Hates Skunks

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.



Live Hard

Because you only get one go at it.

70's Big

Lifting weights, large muscles, short shorts, mustaches, tank tops, flannel and beards.



Boys on the Bus

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Lex Fridman

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Josh Vogel Art

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Jeff Shaw's MATC blog

One grain of sand on the Internet's beach, but star-shaped Ishigaki sand

DSTRYRsg: Destroyer Submission Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Aesopian BJJ

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Dirty White Belt: A BJJ Blog

Adventures in Tapping

BJJ For Women

Women's BJJ Blog: Interviews, Jiu- Jitsu Events and All Things Fenom

The BJJ Caveman

A blog dedicated to BJJ and the paleo lifestyle

Working Class Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Blog

Scramble Brand

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Meerkatsu's Blog

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Photos and News - BJJPix

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.


A bjj blog

Jiu-Jiu's BJJ Blog

A language teacher's take on jiu jitsu

Grappling and BJJ tips by Liam The Part-Time Grappler Wandi

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.


The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

slideyfoot.com | bjj resources

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Jiu Jitsu Thoughts

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

Gracie Barra Riverside

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.

BJJ News

We Search The Web For Jiu Jitsu

dig deep brazilian jiu jitsu

The fog is lifting... what was I doing again? Adding BJJ and weightlifting to a life full of family, hockey & golf.


The movement dedicated to movement